Digestive Health Treatment in Tampa
Fix Digestive Problems
1 in 4 Americans suffer with a digestive disorder. Millions more suffer with symptoms daily and not realize that those symptoms are related to gut imbalances. Have DIGESTIVE problems?
Are Digestive Issues On The Rise
Yes, more and more people every year are dealing with digestive issues. Why is this Mainly, it has to do with a couple of different reasons:
1. Diet – More people are experiencing health problems because the diet that most Americans are eating is not optimized for their health. Consuming tons of processed foods, eating lots of sugar, avoiding healthy fruits and vegetables, and not ensuring that a healthy gut microbiome are leading to more problems.
2. Stress – There is a link between the gut and stress. People who are more stressed or who experience anxiety or depression are much more likely to experience digestive problems. By reducing stress, people can positively impact their digestive health.